The BOS_2014.csv file was downloaded from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( It lists all commercial flights departing from and arriving to Logan airport (Boston, MA) for the year 2014. It also lists various departure/arrival statistics. A description of each field follows: YEAR: Year MONTH: Month DAY_OF_MONTH: Scheduled departure day of month CARRIER: Two letter airline abbreviation code TAIL_NUM: Airplane tail number FL_NUM: Flight number ORIGIN: Airport origin (three letter code) ORIGIN_CITY_NAME: Airport origin city affiliation DEST: Airport destination (three letter code) DEST_CITY_NAME: Airport destination city affiliation CRS_DEP_TIME: Scheduled departure time from origin DEP_TIME: Actual departure time from origin DEP_DELAY: Departure delay in minutes CRS_ARR_TIME: Scheduled arrival time to destination ARR_TIME: Actual arrival time to destination ARR_DELAY: Arrival delay in minutes CANCELLED: Cancelation indicator (yes = 1, no = 0) CANCELLATION_CODE: Cancellation code (A=Carrier, B=Weather, C = National Air System) CRS_ELAPSED_TIME: Scheduled flight time (minutes) ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME: Actual flight time (minutes) DISTANCE: Distance flown (miles) Missing data are coded as "NA" src: Data downloaded from