Before working through this exercise, download the SP1819.xlsx and Divisions.csv files into your project folder.
While R has a rich suite of functions to work off of, the R community extends on R’s built-in functions by offering customized functions via packages. There are more than 14,000 packages with additional packages being added weekly or daily. Most packages can be downloaded via CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network). Packages are installed in your local user profile. You can install packages by command line via install.packages
. In today’s workshop, we’ll make use of five packages: readxl
, dplyr
, stringr
, writexl
and ggplot2
Downloading packages from CRAN is a one time operation. Once installed on your computer, you do not need to re-install them.
Installing packages onto your computer does not mean that their functions are instantly available for use in an R session. You need to explicitly tell R which packages are to be used to perform a specified set of tasks.
In this next exercise, we will load the readxl
package into our current R session using the library()
The readxl
packages contain a function, read_excel
, that will allow us to load an Excel file. In this next code chunk, we’ll read the same spring course list loaded yesterday but this time we’ll load it as an excel file.
Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 717 obs. of 13 variables:
$ Course : chr "AA118" "AA223" "AA223" "AA231" ...
$ Section : chr "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
$ Cr : chr "2" "4" "4" "4" ...
$ Days : chr "TR" "TR" "TR" "MW" ...
$ Times : chr "2:30pm- 4:00pm" "8:00am- 9:30am" "9:45am-10:45am" "11:00am-12:15pm" ...
$ Title : chr "Dance Technique Lab: Dance Forms of the African Diaspora: Hip-hop (See TD118)" "Critical Race Feminisms and Tap Dance (See WG223)" "Critical Race Feminisms and Tap Dance (See WG223)" "Caribbean Cultures (See AY231)" ...
$ DistReq : chr NA "A" "A" NA ...
$ Diversity: chr NA "U" "U" "I" ...
$ Room : chr NA NA NA NA ...
$ Reg : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ Max : num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ Exam : num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ Faculty : chr "Akuchu" "Thomas, S" "Thomas, S" "Bhimull" ...
While base R is certainly capable of satisfying most data table manipulation needs, the dplyr
and stringr
packages (part of a set of packages called the tidyverse
) provide a consistent and user friendly platform for working with data tables.
First, we’ll load the dplyr
Next, we’ll subset the spring courses schedule by keeping just those rows whose Days
column equals M
. Note that R is case sensitive so be sure to specify uppercase M
and not lower case m
It’s best to picture the data manipulation workflow as an assembly line where the data table is being piped from one station to another where each station is performing an operation on the data table. Here, the piping operator is assigned the %>%
glyph–its shortcut key is ctrl+shift+M
(or command+shift+M
on a Mac). The filter()
function is a station along the assembly line that subsets the table by row based on the condition that the value in the Days
column equals M
. The output of this operation is then passed to a new data table object called dat1
We can apply multiple conditions to the filter
function by piecing the conditions with boolean operators. For example, to filter the table by rows where Days
equals M
and where Reg
is greater than 16
, type:
Here, since both conditions must be met, we tie these conditions together with the boolean AND, &
. You can also write the above as:
Here, the comma ,
implies that each condition must be met.
Another boolean operator you might find yourself using is the OR , |
, operator. For example, if you want to filter by rows where Days
equals M
, type:
When combined with the Reg
condition, we get:
It’s good practice to split the different conditions across multiple lines to facilitate readability.
Using the same piping operation framework, we can subset our table by column names. For example, to limit the table to the columns Course
, Days
, Times
and Reg
, type:
We can, of course, combine data table operations. For example, to combine the row selection operation with this column selection operation, type:
Be careful with the order in which the operations are written out. For example, had we chosen not to keep the Days
column in the final output, the following would have generated an error message.
Error in ~Days == "M" | Days == "MW": object 'Days' not found
Going back to our assembly line metaphor, the filter
station only sees what’s being passed to it (here, a subset of the original table with the omitted Days
column). So in this example, the order in which the operations takes place matters. The filter
operation should be placed before the columns selection operation as in:
The simplest summary is the count. For example, we can extract the total number of rows in the output table using the count()
dat %>%
select(Course, Days, Times, Reg) %>%
filter(Days == "M" | Days == "MW",
Reg > 16) %>%
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1 36
We can also summarize columns using descriptive statistics such as the mean, minimum and maximum. Next, we’ll make use of the summarise()
function. For example:
dat %>%
select(Course, Days, Times, Reg) %>%
filter(Days == "M" | Days == "MW",
Reg > 16) %>%
summarise(mean_reg = mean(Reg), max_reg = max(Reg))
# A tibble: 1 x 2
mean_reg max_reg
<dbl> <dbl>
1 26.3 100
Here, the summarise
function generates two columns named mean_reg
and max_reg
. These are names we’ve chosen. The functions that perform the actual statistical summaries are mean()
and max()
Sometimes, the data table may contain missing values (denoted as NA
). This can be problematic when computing a statistical summary.
[1] NA
If an NA
is present in a vector, the mean()
function will return NA
. To have the mean()
function ignore the NA
s, simply add the argument na.rm = TRUE
to the function.
[1] 46.06667
This fix applies to other statistical functions such as min()
, max()
and median()
We can instruct R to break down summaries by unique column values. For example, to break down the summary statistics by unique Days
values (there are only two: M
and MW
), add the group_by()
function before calling the summarise()
dat %>%
select(Course, Days, Times, Reg) %>%
filter(Days == "M" | Days == "MW",
Reg > 16) %>%
group_by(Days) %>%
summarise(mean_reg = mean(Reg), max_reg = max(Reg))
# A tibble: 2 x 3
Days mean_reg max_reg
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 M 19.8 25
2 MW 28.8 100
In this next exercise, we will split the course number into its program/department two letter designation and its numeric component. These values will be assigned to two new columns that we’ll name Dept
and Number
. Here, we’ll make use of the stringr
package which has a rich set of character manipulating functions.
dat1 <- dat %>%
select(Course, Days, Times, Reg) %>%
filter(Days == "M" | Days == "MW",
Reg > 16) %>%
mutate(Dept = str_sub(Course, start = 1, end = 2),
Number = str_sub(Course, start = 3, end = 5),
Number = as.integer(Number))
We make use of the mutate()
function to create the two new columns. We also make use of the str_sub()
function to extract characters based on their position in the string. The position values are inclusive.
Note that the output of str_sub
is always a character data type. This does not make sense for the Number
variable. We therefore coerce it into an integer by replacing it with its numeric representation.
Next, we will load another table: Divisions.csv
Division DeptProg
1 Humanities AR
2 Humanities CL
3 Humanities EA
4 Humanities EN
5 Humanities FR
6 Humanities IT
7 Humanities GM
8 Humanities RU
9 Humanities MU
10 Humanities PL
11 Humanities RE
12 Humanities SP
13 Humanities TD
14 Humanities JA
15 Humanities GK
16 Humanities LT
17 Humanities CN
18 Humanities WP
19 Social Sciences AY
20 Social Sciences EC
21 Social Sciences GO
22 Social Sciences HI
23 Social Sciences PS
24 Social Sciences SO
25 Natural Sciences BI
26 Natural Sciences BC
27 Natural Sciences CH
28 Natural Sciences CS
29 Natural Sciences GE
30 Natural Sciences MA
31 Natural Sciences SC
32 Natural Sciences PH
33 Natural Sciences AS
34 Interdisciplinary Studies AA
35 Interdisciplinary Studies AM
36 Interdisciplinary Studies CI
37 Interdisciplinary Studies ED
38 Interdisciplinary Studies ES
39 Interdisciplinary Studies GS
40 Interdisciplinary Studies JS
41 Interdisciplinary Studies LA
42 Interdisciplinary Studies ST
43 Interdisciplinary Studies WG
The div
table consists of the departments’ two letter designation and their affiliated division. We want to add the division names to each course in the dat1
table. To do this, we’ll join the contents of the div
table to the dat1
table by matching column values: the Depth
column from the dat1
table will be matched to the DeptProg
column from the div
dat1 <- dat %>%
select(Course, Days, Times, Reg) %>%
filter(Days == "M" | Days == "MW",
Reg > 16) %>%
mutate(Dept = str_sub(Course, start = 1, end = 2),
Number = str_sub(Course, start = 3, end = 5),
Number = as.integer(Number)) %>%
left_join(div, by = c("Dept" = "DeptProg"))
Let’s check the first few lines of dat1
# A tibble: 6 x 7
Course Days Times Reg Dept Number Division
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr>
1 AR112 MW 11:00am-12:15pm 25 AR 112 Humanities
2 AR135 MW 2:00pm- 3:50pm 18 AR 135 Humanities
3 AY231 MW 11:00am-12:15pm 17 AY 231 Social Sciences
4 CH142 L M 1:00pm- 3:50pm 20 CH 142 Natural Sciences
5 CH147 L M 1:00pm- 4:00pm 17 CH 147 Natural Sciences
6 CI142 MW 11:00am-12:15pm 19 CI 142 Interdisciplinary Studies
To write a data table to a CSV file, type:
To write the data table to an Excel file, type:
A popular and very versatile plotting environment is the ggplot2
package. We’ll therefore load this package into our R session.
Before we generate a bar plot of course counts by division (from the data subset dat1
), we’ll summaries the data by Division
Next, we’ll piece together the ggplot2
functions to generate the bar plot.
The first function, ggplot()
, specifies the data table and the variables that will be mapped to the plot window. The aes()
function instructs R to map the Division
column to the x-axis and the n
column to the y-axis. The next function, geom_bar()
, specifies the geometry to be used to visualize the data. Its argument, stat = "identity"
simply indicates that the values already represent counts.
We can flip the axes by adding coord_flip()
to the code chunk.
We may also opt to reorder the divisions by count values. This requires wrapping the Division
variable with the reorder()
function which takes, as a second argument, the numeric variable n
to be used to reorder the divisions.
ggplot(dat2, aes(x = reorder(Division, n), y = n)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") + coord_flip() +
xlab("Division") + ylab("Count")
In this example, we’ll generate a histogram of registration values from the original courses data file, dat
In this next example, we’ll work off of dat1
and two of its variables (Number
and Reg
) to generate a scatter plot.
You can also break the plots down into sub-plots based on a categorical variable. For example, to generate a histogram of class sizes by division, type:
The facet_wrap()
function instructs ggplot
to break the histogram plots into separate plots based on the unique Division
values (there are four in our example) associated with each record in dat1
examples can be found here: