Using GitHub in your classroom

To use GitHub in your course, you will need:


The first step is to setup the GitHub account for your course.


Initial setup

Creating a new organization for your course

In this exercise, you will create a new organization account for your course. In the steps that follow, we'll assume that the user jdcolby2 is the instructor.

If you added a list of students to the organization in an earlier step, you will see the list of students under the People tab. If not, you should just see yourself under that tab.

Inviting students to your course organization

If you did not pre-populate the course organization with student account names (a likely scenario given that you may opt to create the course organization before the start of the semester), you can send an invite to your students.


Once a student has accepted the invite, that student's account name should appear under the People's tab. image-20210531092344247

Creating your GitHub Classroom

This next step makes use of GitHub's Classroom. This is the environment that you will use to manage student assignment repos and to create teams for group activity.


At this point, you will see your GitHub classroom landing page. This is a one time operation. You will want to note and bookmark the following:

You will want to share the GitHub organization link with your students as well. But note that the students will only see their own assignments and not those of their peers.

Creating a new assignment

The course organizational account and classroom setup is a one time operation. For the duration of the semester, assignments/projects will be created using the following steps:

A sample workflow follows:

Creating an assignment repo template

Sharing the assignment repo via Classroom

The Classroom assignment is ready. Note the link to this assignment.



This is the link that you will share with your students via a course management system such as Moodle. This link will create a clone from your HW01 template for each student. Student instructions follow.


Steps to be completed by the student

  1. Log into your student GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repo template to your GitHub account by typing or copying/pasting the GitHub Classroom link. Using this working example, the link would be:
  3. If your account has already been added to the Classroom account, click on Accept this assignment. image-20210531103420803
  4. You may need to wait a few seconds before the repo is copied to your personal account. You might have to refresh the page to see the link to your repo. In the following example, the repo was cloned by jdcolby hence the repo name hw01-jdcolby. Your repo should reflect your account name. image-20210531103717754
  5. Click on the repo link. This will bring you to your own version of the hw01 repo. Any changes you make to this repo are yours and yours alone.

Accessing student assignment repos

To access all student assignments, navigate to your course's Organizational page and not the Classroom page. Here, you will see your assignment templates (e.g. HW01) and you students' work with a repo name that concatenates the repo template with the student's GitHub use account name (e.g. hw01-jdcolby)


Creating team assignments

Students can be assigned to teams whereby all team members have read-write access to the same assignment repo.

Instructor's steps

In addition to providing the students with the group assignment link, you will need to assign them a team name (it will be created by the students when they clone the rep)

Student's steps

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