Gulf of Maine Buoy # 4405 data for 2012 Data source: File is in a tab delimited format. * MM: Month * DD: Day of the month * hh: hour * mm: minute * WDIR: Wind direction (the direction the wind is coming from in degrees clockwise from true N) during the same period used for WSPD. See Wind Averaging Methods * WSPD: Wind speed (m/s) averaged over an eight-minute period for buoys and a two-minute period for land stations. Reported Hourly. * GST: Peak 5 or 8 second gust speed (m/s) measured during the eight-minute or two-minute period. The 5 or 8 second period can be determined by payload, See the Sensor Reporting, Sampling, and Accuracy section. * WVHT: Significant wave height (meters) is calculated as the average of the highest one-third of all of the wave heights during the 20-minute sampling period. See the Wave Measurements section. * DPD: Dominant wave period (seconds) is the period with the maximum wave energy. See the Wave Measurements section. * APD: Average wave period (seconds) of all waves during the 20-minute period. See the Wave Measurements section. * MWD: The direction from which the waves at the dominant period (DPD) are coming. The units are degrees from true North, increasing clockwise, with North as 0 (zero) degrees and East as 90 degrees. See the Wave Measurements section. * PRES: Sea level pressure (hPa). For C-MAN sites and Great Lakes buoys, the recorded pressure is reduced to sea level using the method described in NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin 291 (11/14/80). ( labeled BAR in Historical files) * ATMP: Air temperature (Celsius). For sensor heights on buoys, see Hull Descriptions. For sensor heights at C-MAN stations, see C-MAN Sensor Locations * WTMP: Sea surface temperature (Celsius). For sensor depth, see Hull Description. * DEWP: Dewpoint temperature taken at the same height as the air temperature measurement. * VIS: Station visibility (nautica miles). Note that buoy stations are limited to reports from 0 to 1.6 nmi. * PTDY: Pressure Tendency is the direction (plus or minus) and the amount of pressure change (hPa)for a three hour period ending at the time of observation. (not in Historical files) * TIDE: The water level in feet above or below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). Missing data are denoted by variable number of 9's depending on the data type (for example: 999.0 99.0).