Took out the normal and symmetry options from eda_qq and created their own functions: eda_qqsym and eda_theo. The latter allows for theoretical distributions other than Normal.
Added the eda_fval function that generates f-values (probabilities) based on one of six algorithms
Added the eda_theopan function that generates multi-panel theoretical QQ plots.
Added the eda_qqpool function that generates multi-panel pooled residual plots.
Added the eda_shuffle function that permutes values across groups.
Added the eda_sim function that simulates distributions given kurtosis and skewness.
eda_sl now outputs Cleveland’s spread-location plot as well as Tukey’s spread-versus-level plot.
Added eda_untie function that splits ties in a vector by nudging them by a small amount.
Fixed bug in eda_rline where incorrect residuals were returned.
Fixed margin width for eda_jitter and eda_boxls plots when in horizontal mode.
tukeyedar 0.3.0
Added the eda_rfs function (the Cleveland residual-fit spread plot).
Added the eda_viol function that generates a violin plot.
Added the eda_jitter function that generates a jitter plot from univariate datasets.
Added the eda_qqmat function that generates a qq plot matrix.
eda_lm now outputs an eda_lm class.
eda_rline now outputs fitted.values class.
eda_lm now accepts poly = 0. This generates a flat line. Can be used with robust = TRUE.
Following changes were made to the eda_qq function:
It now generates different point symbols for values outside of the inner region
The inner region default is now 75%.
The outer bounds dashed line argument, l.val was removed (this to de-clutter the plot)
Removed the quantile-difference plot. Its interpretation is tricky when dealing with a multiplicative offset.
tukeyedar 0.2.6
Added the quantile-difference plot to the eda_qq function.
Removed redundant outliers argument from eda_boxls (#21).
tukeyedar 0.2.5
Added symmetry QQ option to eda_qq function.
Ensure that all re-expressions default to Box-Cox method.
tukeyedar 0.2.4
Added polynomial option to eda_lm function.
Added robust fitting option to eda_lm function (uses MASS::rlm)