The residual-fit spread plot (rfs plot) is a plot first introduced by William Cleveland designed to compare the variability explained by a fitted model (such as group means for a univariate analysis or a linear model for a bivariate analysis) to the variability in the remaining residuals. It’s constructed as follows:
- A model is fitted to the data. This can be the fitted mean values for multiple groups in a univariate analysis, or a fitted regression line in a bivariate analysis.
- The residuals are computed by subtracting the fitted values from the original values.
- The estimated values from the model are centered on zero by subtracting, for example, the mean from the fitted values.
- Side-by-side quantile plots are generated from both sets of values.
As such, an important assumption when creating an rfs plot is the shared shape of the residual distribution across groups or all ranges of an independent variable.
Let’s start with a simple batch of values, \(y\).

Figure 1. A batch of 60 values with the mean value represented as a red point. The points are jittered about the x-axis to help visualize their distribution.
An overarching objective in data analysis is to reduce data to some summary that best characterizes the set of values. In this example, we can use the batch’s mean value of 11.03 (red point in figure 1) as an estimate of a typical value for \(y\). This is a good first approximation as to what to expect as a “typical” value for \(y\). But, not all values in \(y\) are exactly equal 11.03. There is some variability around this estimate. The variability ranges from 9 to 13 for an overall range of about 4 \(y\) units. This variability about the fitted mean value is often characterized as the residuals–the difference between the actual value and the fitted value.
If we want to improve our estimation of a value in \(y\) (i.e. to reduce the uncertainty in our estimation of \(y\)), we may want to add a grouping variable to the dataset. In essence, we are adding another handle to the data in the hopes of chipping away at the variability that accompanies the estimate. Figure 2 shows the groups each value in \(y\) belongs to.

Figure 2. Same batch of values split across three groups with each group’s mean displayed as an orange point.
Knowing what group an observation belongs to can generate one of three completely different estimates of \(y\) that range from about 10 to 12 units. This reduces the uncertainty in our estimation of \(y\) by about 2 units, which is an improvement over our earlier model that generated just one estimate for all observations. The range in residual values about each fitted mean seems to have also diminished. Ideally, we want the variability surrounding the fitted means to be as small as possible relative to the range of fitted means. However, the jitter plot in Figure 2 is not very effective in comparing the three spreads. A better plot is one that limits the emphasis on the comparison between spreads in fitted values and their residuals. Such a plot does away with the absolute values of the fitted means and their residuals, instead, it centers both spreads around \(0\). Another characteristic of an ideal plot is to help quantify the relative difference in spreads between the fitted values and the residuals. A good candidate for such a plot is a side-by-side quantile plot of fitted values centered (roughly) around zero on the left and the residual values centered on their respective group fitted values. This gives us the rfs plot shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. A residual-fit spread plot. Each observation is split between a quantile plot of fitted value minus group mean (left plot) and a quantile plot of residuals (right plot). The x-axis displays the fraction of values (f-value) in each plot that are at or below the matching value on the y-axis.
What looks to be three horizontal lines on the left plot in Figure 3
are simply overlapping points–one point for each observation. Since an
observation in \(y\) falls into one of
the three groups (a
, b
or c
many values in \(y\) will share the
same fitted (mean) value. For example, the last observation in the
original dataset has a value of 11.05
and is part of group
. Its value can be decomposed into its group mean of
and its residual of -0.93
\[ 11.05 = 11.98 - 0.93 \]
This value is shown as a green point in Figure 4. Note that the overall mean of 11.03 is removed from the fitted value of 11.98 giving us a rescaled fitted value of 0.95. The same process is applied to all other observations resulting in the same number of points in both quantile plots as total number of observations in the original dataset.

The rfs plot facilitates the comparison of both spreads by sharing the same y axis and by having both spreads centered on 0. In this working example, the spreads are about identical suggesting that the grouping variable \(groups\) can help explain some of the variability in the data.
To help develop an intuitive feel for the interpretation of the rfs plot, we can explore two extreme scenarios. In this next scenario, we assign groups to the values in \(y\) in such a way as to maximize the separation in each group (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. An example of a dataset that exhibits a clear separation in grouped values of y.
Figure 6 shows the matching rfs plot. Here, the spread in fitted values is greater than the spread in residuals defined by its minimum and maximum values. If we ignore the extreme values and focus solely on the inner 90% of the residuals, we see that the variability is reduced to just about 1 unit in \(y\) or half the spread defined by the fitted values.

Figure 6. The spread in the fitted mean values spans 2 units along the y-axis. The residuals span about 1 unit when ignoring the extreme values suggesting that the grouping variable does a good job in improving our estimation of y.
In this next example, we look at the other extreme: one where the spread in fitted means is small relative to the variability surrounding each fitted value. The original \(y\) batch of values is used while re-assigning the grouping variables in such a way so as to minimize the importance of the grouping variable in estimating \(y\) (See Figure 7).

Figure 7. An example of a dataset that does not exhibit a clear separation in grouped values of y.
The matching rfs plot is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. The spread in the fitted mean values spans just 1/3 of a unit while the residuals span about 3 units when ignoring the extreme values suggesting that the grouping variable does not improve on our estimation of y.
With this last dataset, the spread in residuals is quite important relative to the spread in fitted values. This suggests that the grouping variable does not improve in our estimation of \(y\). Its effect in estimating \(y\) is small. In other words, if we did away with the grouping variable and used an overall mean value to estimate \(y\), the spread in residuals would be nearly identical.
Generating an rfs plot with eda_rfs
The first dataset offered in the introduction can be recreated as follows:
df <- data.frame(y = rnorm(60, mean = c(10,11, 12), sd = 0.5),
groups = rep(c("a","b","c"), times = 20))
To generate an rfs plot, type:
eda_rfs(df, y, groups)
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 1.62 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 1.87 units, or about 115.4% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 9. An rfs plot generated using the eda_rfs() function.
In addition to generating a plot, the function will also output information about the spreads in the console. It extracts the range of values associated with the mid 90% of the residuals.
The plot and the console output indicate that the mid 90% of the residuals cover a range of about 1.6 units, roughly. This is about 15% less than the spread covered by the estimates.
The reason the mid 90% of values is chosen is to prevent outliers or extreme values in the residuals from disproportionately exaggerating the spread in residuals. For example, you’ll note an extreme outlier of a little more than 1.5 units which is clearly not representative of the bulk of the residuals.
A shaded region highlighting the inner 90% of residuals can be added
to the plot by setting q = TRUE
eda_rfs(df, y, groups, q = TRUE)

Figure 10. An rfs plot generated using the eda_rfs() function with the inner 90% region displayed as a shaded region in the residuals quantile plot. The horizontal grey region shows the matching values on the y-axis.
You can change what constitutes the mid portion of the residuals by
assigning a fraction ranging from 0 to 1 to the inner
argument. For example, if 95% of the inner residual spread is to be
compared to the spread in fitted values, set inner = 0.95
as shown in the following example.
eda_rfs(df, y, groups, q = TRUE, inner = 0.95)
#> The mid 95.0% of residuals covers about 1.92 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 1.87 units, or about 97.3% of the mid 95.0% of residuals.

Figure 11. An rfs plot generated using the eda_rfs() function with the inner 95% region displayed as a grey vertical region in the Residuals quantile plot. The horizontal grey region shows the matching values on the y-axis.
Adding the grouping variable improves our estimation of \(y\) by reducing the uncertainty around our estimate. Had we not split the data into groups and stuck with one overall mean value, we would have ended up with a larger residual spread as shown in Figure 12.
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 2.76 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 0.00 units, or about 0.0% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 12. An rfs plot of the data as it was presented to us before the data values were split into groups. The single fitted estimate is the overall mean.
In the above code, we added a new column with a unique grouping
value, "all"
, shared across all \(y\) values. This results in a single
“group” for the rfs spread plot. 90% of the inner residual spread covers
a range of 2.76 units–quite a bit more than the spread in residuals
observed when we added the grouping variable to the mix.
eda_rfs() options
You’ve already been introduced to the q
arguments which allows you to set and visualize the
inner range of the residual spread rfs plot and in the console.
Another eda_rfs
option modifies the summary statistic
used with univariate data. By default, the function computes the mean
value for each group in the data. Instead, you can have the software
compute the median by setting stat = median
. This can be a
useful option when working with skewed datasets. For example, the \(hp\) variable in the built-in \(mtcars\) dataset has a right skew. The
higher values will have a disproportionate influence on the mean value
as shown in Figure 13.
eda_rfs(mtcars, hp, am, q = TRUE)
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 177.90 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 33.42 units, or about 18.8% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 13. An rfs plot of horsepower values in the mtcars dataset conditioned on transmission type (am variable in the dataset). Here, the mean statistic (default) is used to compute the central values.
Adopting the median will minimize the influence the extreme \(hp\) values will have in fitting the central values to each \(am\) group as shown in Figure 14.
eda_rfs(mtcars, hp, am, stat = median, q = TRUE)
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 187.15 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 66.00 units, or about 35.3% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 14. An rfs plot of horsepower values in the mtcars dataset conditioned on transmission type (am variable in the dataset). Here, the optional median statistic is used to compute the central values.
It’s important to remember that the use of an rfs plot only makes sense when the residuals across all groups share the same distribution. This is a common assumption with many popular parametric statistical procedures.
If skew is of concern in a univariate dataset, the function allows
for the transformation of the variable. For example, to render the
dataset more symmetrical, we can apply a log
transformation via the argument p = 0
as shown in Figure
eda_rfs(mtcars, hp, am, q = TRUE, p = 0)
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 1.28 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 0.33 units, or about 25.7% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 15. An rfs plot of log transformed horsepower values in the mtcars dataset conditioned on transmission type (am variable in the dataset). Results are reported in the transformed variable units.
The power transformation used with the data is displayed in the upper
right-hand side of the residual quantile plot. To hide the parameter
from the plot, set show.par = FALSE
A stacked bar plot can be added to the plot to highlight the relative
spreads between fitted values and residuals. Note that the residual
spread is defined by the inner
argument. To enable the bar
plot, set bar
eda_rfs(mtcars, hp, cyl, bar = TRUE)
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 99.11 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 126.58 units, or about 127.7% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 15. An rfs plot of log transformed horsepower values in the mtcars dataset conditioned on transmission type (am variable in the dataset). Results are reported in the transformed variable units.
The red bar is the relative spread of the residuals and the green bar is the relative spread of the fitted values. The stacked bar plot can be helpful in quickly gauging the effect the fitted values have in explaining the variability in the data. The longer the green bar relative to the red bar, the greater the fitted value’s effect in minimizing the uncertainty in the estimated value.
Rfs plots for bivariate analysis
The rfs plot can be used with bivariate data to evaluate the effect a fitted model such as a regression line may have in explaining the variability in the data.
As is the case with univariate analysis, we are seeking an estimate
of a variable \(y\) in such a way as to
minimize the uncertainty surrounding that estimate. For example, if we
want to estimate the miles-per-gallon consumed by a vehicle from the
built-in dataset, we could start with the simplest
estimate–that being the mean.

Figure 16. A jitter plot of 32 miles-per-gallon measurements from the mtcars dataset. The mean value is fitted to the data giving us a first estimate of the variable.
There is, as expected, some variability that covers a range of about 24 miles-per-gallon.
We can improve on this estimate by adding another handle to the data. But, instead of adding a categorical variable as was proposed in the first example of this tutorial, we can add another continuous variable to help us improve on this estimate. For example, we can see if a vehicle’s horsepower can help us home in on a more precise estimate of miles-per-gallon. Figure 17 gives us a scatter plot of miles-per-gallon vs horsepower.

Figure 17. A scatter plot of miles-per gallon (mpg) vs. horsepower (hp).
The pattern in the scatter plot suggests that mpg
decreases as a function of increasing hp
We could split the data into sub-groups of hp
values and
compute separate means as was done with the univariate example or, we
could fit a linear model to the data whereby the fitted line would
provide us with a unique estimate of mpg
for any unique
value of hp
. A common model fitting strategy is the
least-squares regression technique (see Figure 18).

Figure 18. A scatter plot of miles-per-gallon (mpg) vs. horsepower (hp) with a fitted linear model. The vertical grey dashed lines highlight the error in the estimated values.
The estimate for mpg
is conditioned on the
value of hp
. The estimate (extracted from the red line in
the plot) ranges from about 7 miles-per-gallon to about 26
miles-per-gallon. The residuals are highlighted by the vertical dashed
lines in Figure 18. An rfs plot can help us assess how much of the
variability in mpg
can be explained by this newly fitted
model and how it compares to the residuals (Figure 19).

Figure 19. An rfs plot of the bivariate model whereby the fitted values are plotted on the left quantile plot and the residuals are plotted on the right quantile plot.
The fit-minus-mean plot looks different from a univariate rfs plot,
but its interpretation is the same. Each point in the left quantile plot
is the estimated mpg
value (minus the overall mean) from
the fitted linear model. The points in the residuals quantile plot
represent the deviation, or error, in the estimated value from that of
each observation. For example, the estimated mpg
value for
the largest hp
value of 335
and the residual is +7.75

We can see that the spread in the fitted model and the residuals is comparable with the fitted model explaining a bit more of the variability in the data than adopting the much simpler mean model in Figure 16.
Using eda_rfs() with a regression model
You must first create a model using either the built-in
function or this package’s eda_lm
functions. For example, to evaluate the effect a
linear model has in estimating the miles per gallon (mpg
from a vehicle’s horsepower (hp
), we first define the
model, then pass that model to the eda_rfs
function. Here,
we’ll use the package’s eda_lm
M1 <- eda_lm(mtcars, hp, mpg)

Figure 21. A scatter plot of miles-per-gallon vs horsepower from the built-in mtcars dataset. A linear model is fitted to the data.
The resulting rfs plot is shown in Figure 22.
eda_rfs(M1, q = TRUE)
#> The mid 90.0% of residuals covers about 12.79 units.
#> The fitted values cover a range of 19.31 units, or about 150.9% of the mid 90.0% of residuals.

Figure 22. A scatter plot of miles-per-gallon vs horsepower from the built-in mtcars dataset. A linear model is fitted to the data.